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medical student

"T-26 hours: Preperation the Day Before an Exam"

T-26 hours: Preparation the Day Before an Exam

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The following tips are specifically focused on prepping for an exam the day before. In my opinion, you are not going to learn much of any new material today. The 26 hours leading up to the exam are much less about learning material than they are about reassuring and preparing yourself emotionally and mentally by managing stress levels and boosting confidence.

"Having a cat in medical school?" over photo of grey cat on cat tree

Having a Cat in Medical School 🐈

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… Of course, pets come in all different shapes, sizes, and specialties. If you find that you are sufficiently pleased to visit your friend’s animals, I assure you there will be many. My med school friends have dogs, cats, tigers, and I even have a friend with a snake! …

"Best MS1 Credit Cards"

Best Credit Card for First Year Medical School

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For students in their first semester with no current credit card, or possibly a low-limit and seldom used card from their primary bank, it is time to consider establishing your credit profile…