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Best Gift for 3rd Year Medical Students

"Best Gift for 3rd Year Medical Students" "" title card atop image of wrapped present boxes

Disclosure: Or lack there-of; We have NO affiliation with the product outlined in this article and have not received anything in exchange for this article.

Entering the third year of medical school signifies the monumental transition from didactic “text-book” learning to the hands-on student doctor experience of clerkship rotations in the hospital. While some students are nervous about the new learning format, others may be overjoyed to show off their interpersonal skills. Virtually all students share in the desire to maximize what they learn and minimize the number of times their attending needs to correct a mistake.

So what gift will help your med-student stand out during their rounds? Our recommended tool may be too expensive for some students to splurge on, and thus makes an outstanding present from a caring parent/sibling/significant-other/etc.

Eko CORE™ Digital Attachment | Best Gift?

image of the Eko CORE Digital Attachment on a 3M Littmann Scope with text reading "Featured: 3M Littmann CORE Digital Stethoscope" and "World Changing Ideas 2022"
Photo Courtesy of Press Release

Price: ~ $200-260 @

Cool, so what is it? The CORE Digital Attachment is the black oblong device pictured above. As the name suggests, this accessory can be added to the traditional stethoscope to digitize a classic analogue technology!

Why would my med-student want one? The stethoscope provides more than simply being the classically associated tool of the trade. Simple in concept, the use of a stethoscope can provide substantial information about the heart, large arteries, lungs, digestive system, and more with a quick assessment. Quick in theory that is. Even the “classic” heart and lung sounds that budding-doctors need to learn can be tricky to hear, and even harder to master. Now imagine trying to learn these intricate differences in a busy hospital surrounded by the beeping IV pumps and unmuted televisions. That’s where the CORE steps in! Not only does it provide amplification (even including physical volume buttons on the device) but you can even enable noise-canceling and audio enhancing features! It is also possible to play the audio aloud from your phone via bluetooth which is a big hit when working with kiddos on your peds rotation.

What if the battery runs out? The physical ON/OFF toggle doubles as an electrical switch as well as a physical-bypass in the “OFF” position which allows the stethoscope to remain fully-functional as though the CORE was not installed at all (aka power free). The device lasts for days to weeks on a charge and the power light will turn red when nearing a low charge.

Will my med-student really want or use it? Every student is different, but we like to see this technology as a means to enhance a once-in-a-lifetime learning opportunity. Medical school is the only chance in a physician’s career that they are expected to fully embrace the full range of medical specialties and experiences a hospital has to offer. So even if your med-student has their heart set on a specialty with no use for a stethoscope, the CORE can help them make the most of their clinical years.

Let us know what you think!

What have your experiences with the CORE been? Do you have any fun stories? Are there any downsides we overlooked? Let us know through the comments, our email, or on social media!

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